Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Accepting the facts and going with what is. I have discovered that most textile mills still existent in the U.S. are  using 100% synthetic materials - or are full of knitting machines. Woven goods are pretty much limited to blankets. That is changing. People across the country are trying to figure out the economics of it. Martha Washington knit socks for the soldiers... and weavers worked hard to make cloth for clothes in order to become independent of England. If we truly want to minimize our carbon foot-print, then we must, as a nation, become knowledgeable about our own capacity for making clothing. In a capitalist system, where industry considers their sourcing a trade secret, making maps of sources is tricky. And yet people all over, from Vermont to Texas to California, are demanding maps, lists and directories. I have no opinion on this, other than it is a tricky business.

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